
List Categories

Default Shortcode

The following Shortcode displays all the categories, 2 in a row.



You can use the class attribute to change the number of columns and provide the bootstrap’s column class

[rem_categories class="col-sm-4"]

For example,

  • col-sm-12 – 1 Column
  • col-sm-6 – 2 Columns
  • col-sm-4 – 3 Columns
  • col-sm-3 – 4 Columns
  • col-md-5th-1 – 5 Columns
  • col-sm-2 – 6 Columns


You can use order and orderby attributes to change the order of categories displayed.

orderby can have the following values

  • name – Category Title
  • term_id – Category ID
  • count – Number of Properties in that Category

order can have the following values

  • ASC – ascending
  • DESC – descending

The following shortcode will display the categories in ascending order as per the number of listings.

[rem_categories orderby="count" order="ASC"]

Display Empty Categories

By default, the categories will 0 properties will not display, you can change this behavior by setting “hide_empty” attribute to 0

[rem_categories hide_empty="0"]

Display Specific Categories

You can use the attribute “include” and provide comma or space-separated category IDs to display only those.

[rem_categories include="10,12,13,14"]

Exclude Specific Categories

You can use the attribute “exclude” and provide comma or space-separated category IDs and they will not appear.

[rem_categories exclude="10,12,13,14"]

Change Password

Default Shortcode

The following Shortcode displays a form to change logged in user’s password.


Please note that this shortcode will display nothing when you’re not logged in.

Redirect URL

You can use the redirect attribute to redirect the user after a successful password change.

[rem_change_password redirect=""]

Logout from all devices

You can display a checkbox to log out that user from active devices enabling the attribute clear_sessions.

[rem_change_password clear_sessions="enable"]

Title and Subtitle

You can use the attributes title and subtitle for custom titles and taglines for the form.

[rem_change_password title="Change the password below" subtitle="tagline goes here"]

Contents for non logged in users

You can provide inner contents in the shortcode that will be displayed when the user is not logged in. The following shortcode will display a text Please log in when you’re not logged in or you can’t access this page.

[rem_change_password]Please log in[/rem_change_password]

Manage Properties

Default Shortcode

The following Shortcode displays the properties of all agents and control buttons to publish or delete them.


Please note that this shortcode will display nothing when you’re not logged in.

Changing Role

By default, only an administrator can access this page. You can change this behavior to some other role also by providing it in the role attribute. The following shortcode will only allow editors to access this manage listings page.

[rem_manage_properties role="editor"]

Allow Admins Also

You can use the shortcode attribute admin=enable to allow admins as well to manage the listings. The following shortcode will give the permission to both Admins and Editors to manage the listings.

[rem_manage_properties admin="enable" role="editor"]

Contents for non logged in users

You can provide inner contents in the shortcode that will be displayed when the user is not logged in. The following shortcode will display a text Please login with an Admin account when you’re not logged in or you can’t access this page.

[rem_manage_properties]Please login with an Admin account[/rem_manage_properties]

Simple Search Field

The Simple Search form looks simple because it has only a search bar, but it is more powerful when it comes to search listings. Great thing is that you can program it yourself.

Please follow the below steps to configure it.

  1. Create a page to display search form (we will call it Search Page)
  2. Create a page to display search results (we will call it Results Page)
  3. Now Paste shortcode [rem_search_results] in Results Page
  4. Copy the URL of the Search Results page (let say its http//
  5. Paste this shortcode in Search Page [rem_simple_search results_page=”http//”] (remember to replace the Results Page url with your own)
  6. That’s it, it will render a search form like this


By default, text written in this field will be searched in the Property Titles and Contents. But you can make it more powerful.

Making it more powerful

You can configure the settings for this simple search field here


In the setting field Simple Search Method, you can provide each query per line.  Each query contains the following values separated by commas respectively.

  1. text – The text you want the user to type
  2. meta_key – Meta key or field name, according to that text
  3. is_number – If the text is a number value, set it to true
  4. value – Hard-coded value, if not number.

Hope you don’t understand these 🙂 Don’t worry. I will try to explain it using examples.

Suppose we want visitors to type Rent in the search field and then display all those properties in results that have purpose set to Rent. We will provide the following query in Simple Search Method.


Now, when typing Rent in the search field, it will display all those properties which are for rent.

Let’s take another example,

We want users to type 2 bedrooms and then display all properties having 2 bedrooms, the following query will be used.

2 bedrooms,property_bedrooms,false,2

Wow, that’s great.

Now you may think that if you want visitors to search for 3, 4 or 5 bedrooms you may have to provide all those queries in each line like

3 bedrooms,property_bedrooms,false,3

4 bedrooms,property_bedrooms,false,4

Well, that’s not a good idea. So there is a workaround. You can set the is_number to true and then it will automatically search for the numbers provided. Let’s apply it to our above example,


Now, visitors can type 3 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms, and the search will work accordingly.

You can also use short names, suppose you want visitors to just type 3 baths, or 4 baths or 5 baths, use following


Pretty Cool. The good thing is that you can provide multiple queries in each line in the setting Simple Search Method, 




Working with Multi-Language

You can allow visitors to search in their own language. Let’s take above Rent example for the German Language. We will allow users of Germany to search Miete instead of Rent to display rented properties.


Shortcode Attributes

You can use the following attributes in [rem_simple_search] shortcode.

Attributes Description Default Value
placeholder Placeholder text to display in the search field Type to Search…
width Maximum width for the search bar 450px
border_color Text input border color #E4E4E4
results_page URL of the results page #
search_icon Search Icon <i class=”glyphicon glyphicon-search”></i>

Map with Multiple Listings

Default Shortcode

Following Shortcode displays last 10 properties ordered by date in Ascending order on a Map.


Order and Orderby Attributes

Following Shortcode displays 9 recent properties on the map.

[rem_maps order="DESC" total_properties="9" orderby="date"]

You can use the following values for order attribute

  • DESC – Descending order of orderby attribute
  • ASC – Ascending order of orderby attribute

You can use the following values for orderby attribute

  • date – Sort by Property published date
  • ID – Sort by Property ID
  • author – Sort by Property Agent
  • title – Sort by Property Title
  • modified – Sort by Property Modify Date
  • rand – Random order

Tag Specific Properties

You can use tags attribute to display properties that are tagged with a specific tag. The following shortcode will display all properties that are tagged with wood.

[rem_maps total_properties="-1" tags="wood"]

You can also use multiple tag names separated by commas. Example: tags=”wood,carpet”

Prefer Near Properties (Enables Location Tracking)

You can prefer those properties to display first which are near to the visitor’s current location. Use attribute nearest_porperties and set its value to enable.

[rem_maps total_properties="10" nearest_porperties="enable"]

It enables geolocation tracking and thus asks the visitor to allow his location tracking. Your site must be SSL enabled for better results.

Display “For Sale” Properties

You can use meta attribute to filter properties based on any default field or custom field created by custom fields menu. Suppose you want to display only those properties which have Purpose set to Sell.

[rem_maps meta="property_purpose|Sell"]

Please note that meta attribute accepts field name and value separated by a pipe “|” sign. Value and field name both are case sensitive.

Display Rented Properties

As mentioned above, you can simply use the meta attribute, setting its value to property_purpose|Rent.

[rem_maps meta="property_purpose|Rent"]

Type Specific Properties

You can display a list of properties based on property type using property_type field name in meta attribute. The following shortcode will display all Houses on a large map

[rem_maps meta="property_type|House"]

Similarly, the following shortcode will display all Offices.

[rem_maps meta="property_type|Office"]

and the following will display all Retails.

[rem_maps meta="property_type|Retail"]

Filter by Multiple Meta

You can also use multiple fields in meta attribute. Each field-value group separated by commas. In the following example, it will display all those properties having country set to Australia and the city set to Sydney.

[rem_maps meta="property_city|sydney,property_country|australia"]

Again, all field names and values in meta attribute are case sensitive.

Display ID Specific Properties

If you want to display some specific properties using their IDs, you can use attribute ids and set its value to comma separated property ids.

[rem_maps ids="124,456,789"]

Loading Labels

Customize the default loading messages by using load_heading and load_desc attributes.

[rem_maps load_heading="Just a Second!" load_desc="Loading Properties..."]

Map Height

By default map’s height is 600px, but you can change it. Use attribute map_height to change it, don’t forget to provide unit also.

[rem_maps map_height="450px"]

My Location Marker

My location marker appears on the map when users click on the location icon. You can customize it using my_location_icon attribute and providing URL to the icon.

[rem_maps my_location_icon=""]

Recommended size is 100×100 and format PNG.

Circle Markers

You can customize the green circle that appears for multiple properties using attribute circle_icon and providing URL to the icon.

[rem_maps circle_icon=""]

Recommended size is 55×55 and format PNG.

Customize Markers based on Property Purpose

You can use different markers for sale and rent properties on the map, using attribute icons_data. It contains icon URLs based on the value separated by commas. It follows the following structure.


So, our shortcode will become

[rem_maps icons_data="Sell||,Rent||"]

Recommended size is 72×60 and format PNG.

Customize Markers based on Custom Meta

Markers can also be differentiated by other meta like you may want to use a different icon for a house, different for Villa and so on. Because these are property types, our key will be property_type and we have to use it in shortcode as a value of icons_by_meta attribute. Then we will follow the above procedure to provide custom icons in icons_data attribute. Following is shortcode that we’re using on the homepage of our demo, where markers are different based on Property Type.

[rem_maps icons_by_meta="property_type" icons_data="House||,Duplex||,Office||,Retail||"]

The recommended size is 72×60 and format PNG.

Custom Colors

You can use the following attributes in rem_maps shortcode to customize the colors. Details are given with each attribute.

Attributes Description
btn_bg_color Set buttons background color for all buttons on the map.
btn_text_color Set buttons text color for all buttons on the map.
btn_bg_color_hover Set buttons background color on hover for all buttons on the map.
btn_text_color_hover Set buttons text color on hover for all buttons on the map.
loader_color Set color of loading box.
water_color Set map watercolor.
fill_color Set map natural fill color.
poi_color Set map point of interests color.
poi_color_hue Set map point of interests hue color.
bottom_btn_bg_color Background color for bottom buttons (if type_filtering is enabled)
bottom_btn_text_color Text color for bottom buttons (if type_filtering is enabled)
bottom_btn_bg_color_hover Background color for bottom buttons when hovered (if type_filtering is enabled)
bottom_btn_text_color_hover Text color for bottom buttons when hovered (if type_filtering is enabled)
bottom_btn_bg_color_active Background color for bottom buttons when active (if type_filtering is enabled)

Example Usage:

[rem_maps btn_bg_color="#16a393" btn_text_color="white" btn_bg_color_hover="#01a38a" btn_text_color_hover="#ffffff"]

You can either use a color name as value or color code with a # sign.

All Available Attributes

Attribute Default Value Description
load_heading Loading Maps Map preload message
load_desc Please Wait… Map preload message
ids Comma-separated ids of properties to display on the map
total_properties 10 Total number of properties to display on the map
order ASC Order of properties to fetch
orderby date Sort properties by date, ID, title or rand for random
meta Please read using meta attribute
tags A comma-separated list of tags to display tag specific properties
agent Agent id for agent-specific listings, you can also provide current for logged in agent’s listings
nearest_properties disable Enable or Disable Geolocation for listings nearest properties first
map_height Map height along with the unit. Eg: 450px
type_filtering disable Enable it to display filter options below the map (only for Google Maps)
filter_by_key property_type If type_filtering enabled, provide field name here to filter
filter_options House,Duplex,Apartment If type_filtering enabled, provide field values here separated by commas
use_map_from You can specify here which map mode you want to use, either leaflet or google_maps
def_lat Default latitude
def_long Default longitude
map_zoom Map zoom level
map_id leafletmaps Map id, if more than one maps are used on a single page.
icons_by_meta property_purpose Please read above (under the heading Customize Markers)
icons_data Please read above (under the heading Customize Markers)
my_location_icon Please read above (under the heading My Location Marker)
circle_icon Please read above (under the heading Circle Markers)

By default, Google Maps auto-center the map focusing available listings. You can disable this behavior by setting the auto_center attribute as disable. Otherwise, def_lat, def_long, and map_zoom will not work for Google Maps.

Logout Button

Default Shortcode

Following Shortcode displays a button with text Logout to log out current user.


You can use the following attributes in this shortcode

  • redirect -> URL to redirect after logout
  • button_classes -> CSS classes for button styling
  • label -> Label of the button

Edit Profile Form

Default Shortcode

Following Shortcode displays a form to edit an agent’s profile.


Please note that this shortcode will display nothing when you’re not logged in.

Contents for non logged in users

You can provide inner contents in the shortcode that will be displayed when the user is not logged in. Following shortcode will display a login form for non logged in users and edit profile form, for logged in users at the same time.


Agent Profile Page

Default Shortcode

Following Shortcode displays profile of a specific agent. Provide agent id in the author_id attribute.

[rem_agent_profile author_id="1"]

My Profile

You can display the profile of currently logged in user using the shortcode.


List All Agents

Default Shortcode

Following Shortcode displays all approved agents one after another on the same page.


Display Agents in Grid

You can display agents in 3 columns grid using attribute columns.

[rem_list_agents columns="col-sm-4"]

Display Specific Agents

You can display specific agents by providing their IDs.

[rem_list_agents ids="18,56"]

Order and Orderby Attributes

Following Shortcode displays agents in ascending order of their display name.

[rem_list_agents order="ASC" orderby="display_name"]

You can use the following values for order attribute

  • DESC – Descending order of orderby attribute
  • ASC – Ascending order of orderby attribute

You can use the following values for orderby attribute

  • ID – Sort by Agent ID
  • login – Sort by Agent Username
  • nicename – Sort by Agent Nice Name
  • email – Sort by Agent Email Address
  • url – Sort by Agent URL

All Available Attributes

ids Comma-separated ids of agents to display
columns col-sm-4 Bootstrap column class for grid management
orderby login How you want to sort agents
order ASC Order of agents displayed
meta_key meta_key to get specific agents
style 1 Style of agent card
meta_value value if the key is given
masonry enable Enable/Disable masonry
total 10 Total number of agents to display