Template Settings

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Template Settings

These settings are related to the templates that Real Estate Manager uses. You can access these settings from Real Estate Manager -> Settings -> Template Settings

Property Page Template

Single property page displays as yoursite.com/property/property-title, you can customize the slug property from Settings -> Permalinks -> Property Page Base.

You can choose the layout for single property page from the Property Page Template setting. If you set this option From Theme, then it will use page.php from your current theme. It will display only title and content, so you have to follow the below steps to make it work from your theme.

  1. Create a file named single-rem_property.php in your current theme or child theme.
  2. Paste following code inside it.
<?php get_header();
	global $post;
	$author_id = $post->post_author;
	$author_info = get_userdata($author_id);
	$max_width = apply_filters( 'rem_max_container_width', '1170px' );
		<section id="property-content" class="ich-settings-main-wrap" style="max-width: <?php echo $max_width; ?>;margin:0 auto;">
			<div class="">
				<div class="row">
					<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('col-sm-8 col-md-9'); ?>>
					<?php if( have_posts() ){ while( have_posts() ){ the_post(); ?>
						<?php do_action( 'rem_single_property_slider', get_the_id() ); ?>
						<?php do_action( 'rem_single_property_contents', get_the_id() ); ?>
					<?php } } ?>
					<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3">
						<?php do_action( 'rem_single_property_agent', $author_id ); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>


You can customize it as you want and can also update the plugin, your changes will not revert by using the template from the theme.

Archive Page Template

This page loads for property tags.

Agent Page Template

It’s for the single agent details page. It overwrites the default author.php file from the theme.

Enable Agent Template

It defines whether you want to use the agent template for all users or only for those with the role rem_property_agent.

All Real Estate Manager templates use the container maximum width of 1170px. You can change it from this setting.

Agent Page Sidebar Card

By default, property details page displays agent information and contact form with the property. You can disable it here.

Agent Card Style

You can choose the card style for agent information here. You can override these templates by following below steps

  1. Create a directory in your theme or child theme named agent
  2. Create template file here with name style1.php or style2.php depending on the option you selected.
  3. You can also copy below code for starting point
	$first_name = get_user_meta( $author_id, 'first_name', true );
	$last_name = get_user_meta( $author_id, 'last_name', true );
	$tagline = get_user_meta( $author_id, 'rem_user_tagline', true );
<div class="agent-box-card grey">
	<div class="image-content">
		<div class="rem-profile-image">
			<?php do_action( 'rem_agent_picture', $author_id ); ?>
	<div class="info-agent">
		<?php if (!is_author()) { ?>
			<span class="name">
				<?php echo rem_wpml_translate($first_name, 'Author', 'first_name_'.$author_id); ?>
				<?php echo rem_wpml_translate($last_name, 'Author', 'last_name_'.$author_id); ?>
		<?php } ?>
		<?php if ($tagline != '') { ?>
			<div class="text text-center">
				<?php echo rem_wpml_translate($tagline, 'Author', 'tagline_'.$author_id); ?>
		<?php } ?>
		<?php do_action( 'rem_contact_social_icons', $author_id ); ?>


Agent Page Contact Form

By default, agent details page displays a contact form. You can disable it here.

Agent Page Sidebar

You can configure the sidebar for Agent Page here. Then can easily insert a widget into it from Appearance -> Widgets.

Property Edit Page

Choose the page you want to use for editing properties. That page must have the shortcode [rem_edit_property]

Please follow below steps to enable frontend editing of properties.

  1. Create a page to list the current agent’s properties
  2. Paste this shortcode in this page [rem_my_properties][rem_agent_login][/rem_my_properties]
  3. In the Actions tab, by clicking on the pencil icon will allow you to edit that property from the frontend.

Fields Help Text

When creating or editing properties, there is a question mark icon which reveals the help text of that field on hovering. You can enable/disable that icon here.