Default Shortcode
The following Shortcode displays 10 properties ordered by date in Ascending order and bottom pagination. It uses Style 1 and 1 property per row.
Top Bar to Sort and Change Layout
You can enable the top bar for property listings to sort properties or change layout right from the frontend. Just set top_bar to enable
[rem_list_properties top_bar="enable"]
When the top bar is enabled, you can also use the following attributes in the shortcode to handle the grid and list layouts.
- grid_style (Provide style number here. Default: 2)
- grid_style_col (Provide columns here. Default; col-sm-4)
- list_style (Provide style number here. Default: 1)
- list_style_col (Provide columns here. Default: col-sm-12)
Order and Orderby Attributes
The following Shortcode displays 9 recent properties in Grid view with Style 2.
[rem_list_properties order="DESC" posts="9" orderby="date" style="2" pagination="disable" class="col-sm-3"]
You can use the following values for order attribute
- DESC – Descending order of orderby attribute
- ASC – Ascending order of orderby attribute
You can use the following values for orderby attribute
- date – Sort by Property published date
- ID – Sort by Property ID
- author – Sort by Property Agent
- title – Sort by Property Title
- modified – Sort by Property Modify Date
- rand – Random order
Property Styles and Grid Layout
You can use style attribute to modify styles and class attribute defines the number of columns in a row. The following shortcode will display 3 properties in a row in style 3
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4"]
If you’re using style 1 (which is list view), you have to set class attribute to col-sm-12. Otherwise, it may break the layout. You can use styles from 1 to 7. If you want to add additional property listing styles, we have an extension with 20+ more styles.
class attribute can have the following values
- col-sm-12 – 1 Column
- col-sm-6 – 2 Columns
- col-sm-4 – 3 Columns
- col-sm-3 – 4 Columns
- col-md-5th-1 – 5 Columns
- col-sm-2 – 6 Columns
Masonry Style Listings (Justified Grid)
By using masonry attribute and setting its value to enable will render listings in masonry grid.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" masonry="enable"]
Total Properties and Pagination
By default, listing shortcode displays pagination in the bottom if there are more properties than the value specified in posts attribute. You can disable the pagination by setting the pagination attribute to disable. Suppose you want to display only 3 latest properties with no pagination:
[rem_list_properties posts="3" order="DESC" orderby="date" pagination="disable"]
Tag Specific Properties
You can use tags attribute to display properties that are tagged with a specific tag. The following shortcode will display all properties that are tagged with wood.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" tags="wood"]
You can also use multiple tag names separated by commas. Example: tags=”wood,carpet”
Category Specific Properties
You can use cats attribute to display category specific properties. The following shortcode will display all properties that are in the category warehouse.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" cats="warehouse"]
You can also use multiple category names separated by commas. Example: cats=”warehouse,basement”
Display Properties of Specific Agent
If you want to display properties of a specific agent use attribute author and set its value to the agent’s ID.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" author="1"]
Display Properties of Current Logged In Agent
If you want to display properties of current logged in the agent, set attribute author to current.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" author="current"]
Prefer Near Properties (Enables Location Tracking)
You can prefer those properties to display first which are near to the visitor’s current location. Use attribute nearest_properties and set its value to enable.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" nearest_properties="enable"]
It enables geolocation tracking and thus asks the visitor to allow his location tracking. Your site must be SSL enabled for better results.
Display “For Sale” Properties
You can use meta attribute to filter properties based on any default field or custom field created by custom fields menu. Suppose you want to display only those properties which have Purpose set to Sell.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_purpose|Sell"]
Please note that meta attribute accepts field name and value separated by a pipe “|” sign. Value and field name both are case sensitive.
Display Rented Properties
As mentioned above, you can simply use the meta attribute, setting its value to property_purpose|Rent.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_purpose|Rent"]
Type Specific Properties
You can display a list of properties based on property type using property_type field name in meta attribute. The following shortcode will display all Houses
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_type|House"]
Similarly, the following shortcode will display all Offices.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_type|Office"]
and the following will display all Retails.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_type|Retail"]
Filter by Multiple Meta
You can also use multiple fields in meta attribute. Each field-value group separated by commas. In the following example, it will display all those properties having the country set to Australia and the city set to Sydney.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_city|sydney,property_country|australia"]
Again, all field names and values in meta attribute are case sensitive.
Advanced Filtering – Multiple Values
You can also list properties matching multiple values in the same field. For Example, let’s say you want to list duplex and houses at the same time, you can provide multiple values separated by a star (*) symbol.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_type|house*duplex"]
Advanced Filtering – Not Operator
You can also exclude properties matching a specific value of some field. For Example, let’s say you don’t want to list houses, you can use ! with the value.
[rem_list_properties style="3" class="col-sm-4" meta="property_type|!house"]
All Available Attributes
Attribute |
Default Value |
Description |
style |
1 |
Style for property box |
class |
col-sm-12 |
Columns class from bootstrap |
pagination |
enable |
Enable or Disable pagination |
images_height |
Provide height with units. Eg: 150px |
masonry |
Enable or Disable masonry layout |
top_bar |
disable |
Enable or Disable top bar buttons |
grid_style |
3 |
Default grid style for top bar layout |
grid_style_col |
col-sm-4 |
Default grid style columns class for top bar layout |
list_style |
1 |
Default list style for top bar layout |
list_style_col |
col-sm-12 |
Default list style columns class for top bar layout |
nearest_properties |
disable |
Enable or Disable Geolocation |
order |
Order of properties displayed |
orderby |
date |
Sort properties by date, ID, title, price or rand for random |
total_properties |
10 |
Number of properties to display |
purpose |
Display properties of specific purpose |
status |
Display properties of specific status |
author |
Display properties of a specific agent by providing ID |
type |
Display properties of a specific type |
tags |
Comma separated tags to display tag specific properties |
meta |
Please read using meta attribute |
orderby_custom |
A custom field name for ordering |
not_available |
enable |
Whether to display not available properties or not |
features |
Comma-separated list of features to display feature specific listings |
ids |
Comma-separated list of property ids to display only those |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of property ids to exclude those |
cats |
Comma-separated names of categories |