List Categories

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List Categories

Default Shortcode

The following Shortcode displays all the categories, 2 in a row.



You can use the class attribute to change the number of columns and provide the bootstrap’s column class

[rem_categories class="col-sm-4"]

For example,

  • col-sm-12 – 1 Column
  • col-sm-6 – 2 Columns
  • col-sm-4 – 3 Columns
  • col-sm-3 – 4 Columns
  • col-md-5th-1 – 5 Columns
  • col-sm-2 – 6 Columns


You can use order and orderby attributes to change the order of categories displayed.

orderby can have the following values

  • name – Category Title
  • term_id – Category ID
  • count – Number of Properties in that Category

order can have the following values

  • ASC – ascending
  • DESC – descending

The following shortcode will display the categories in ascending order as per the number of listings.

[rem_categories orderby="count" order="ASC"]

Display Empty Categories

By default, the categories will 0 properties will not display, you can change this behavior by setting “hide_empty” attribute to 0

[rem_categories hide_empty="0"]

Display Specific Categories

You can use the attribute “include” and provide comma or space-separated category IDs to display only those.

[rem_categories include="10,12,13,14"]

Exclude Specific Categories

You can use the attribute “exclude” and provide comma or space-separated category IDs and they will not appear.

[rem_categories exclude="10,12,13,14"]