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  3. Responsive Posts Carousel
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This section contains all the settings related to slider contents. All the data that you will choose to display will be selected from this section. Let’s go through all available setting fields.

Display By

Here you have 2 options to choose from. Either you can choose posts/custom posts/products by providing IDs or simple you can choose taxonomy option if you want to select posts by their taxonomies (tags, categories etc).

Post Types is a term used to refer to different types of content in a WordPress site. In all practical sense, it should be called content type.

WordPress comes with the following default post types.

  1. Posts (post)
  2. Pages (page)
  3. Attachments (attachment)

All of them are stored in the posts database table and are differentiated by a column called post_type.

Taxonomy in WordPress is one of those things that everyone uses, but they do not know that they are using it. WordPress taxonomies are used as a way to group posts and custom post types together.

WordPress comes with the following two default Taxonomies,

  1. Categories (category)
  2. Tags (post_tag)

Select Post Type

You can choose one post type here. All post types that are registered on your site will display here in a dropdown and on choosing one, you will be able to choose posts from Select Posts menu under it.

Select Taxonomy

You can choose one taxonomy here. All taxonomies that are registered on your site will display here in a dropdown and on choosing one, you will be able to choose their terms from Select Term menu under it.

Exclude Posts

If you want to remove specific posts from your criteria, you can provide their IDs here. You can either provide single ID or multiple IDs separated by commas.


Responsive Posts Carousel comes with 50+ templates for displaying your contents. Most of them display 2 text information on them. One is the title and is used as a heading and other is the Content and is displayed as a description.

In this title field, you have to provide meta key of the selected posts criteria to pull the content. You can read more details here. Suppose you want to display post title as the heading on slider template, you will provide post_title here.

You can use from the following values here

  • post_date
  • post_title
  • content
  • post_author
  • excerpt
  • none
  • woo_price
  • Or any custom field key which that post-type has

Please make sure to provide only one meta key here without any spaces or special characters.

Title Words Length

Here you can define the maximum number of words you want to display for the title. It’s a very helpful feature for the long titles, especially when they break the template.


Content field work exactly the same as the title. Some templates may only use a title and some display a description also, that description can be set from this setting field. You can use from the following values here

  • post_date
  • post_title
  • content
  • post_author
  • excerpt
  • none
  • woo_price
  • Or any custom field key which that post-type has

Please make sure to provide only one meta key here without any spaces or special characters.

Content/Description Words Length

Suppose you provide the content or excerpt key for the above content field, then it may break the post template layout as this meta can be so long and can include sometimes the whole post, so you need to limit the data. This setting field is for managing this. You can provide here the number of words to display from the Content field’s data.

Append to Trimmed Text

Now, when you trimmed the title or content (defining the maximum number of words) you can append the dots or some custom indication to let the visitors know that it’s being trimmed.

Example: Some Long Title With…

Here, the three dots, in the end, represent this.

Shortcodes/Page Builders

When using Elementor, Fusion Builder, WPBakery Page Builder or any other shortcodes in the page/post contents and settings the Content field to display content, you may see the actual shortcodes being rendered on the frontend. Checking this option will fix this and you will see the actual contents instead of the shortcodes.

Read More Button Text

You can customize the read more button’s text here.

Please note that it will work only for those templates which already have a read more button. It will not add a button with those templates which don’t have it.

Read More Button CSS Classes

You can provide CSS classes to style the button as per your theme. You can read your theme’s docs to see which CSS classes your theme is using to style buttons and can paste here accordingly.

Link Target

The purpose of your slider carousel is to redirect the visitor to the main article at the end. So all the templates have a hyperlink for this purpose. What you can define here is to open that link in a new tab or the existing tab.

Template Style

You can choose your desired template here and can modify it from Template Settings meta box.